Friday, July 31, 2009


This is Smiley. He's one of the first dogs Stella met after she came to live with me. He isn't a carny dog but it's clear he could've been. For an unknown number of years, he was a savvy street dog in Houston, Texas. Thanks to my friend Beverly, Smiley now lives on a huge farm in Kentucky with his long time girlfriend, Pepper. He didn't have much use for Stella when they met. Of course, she was a rude puppy back then and he let her know right off that he wasn't about to tolerate any of her foolishness.

Some of you may have seen this either in the paper or in the Twitter feed early in the week but I couldn't pass up another chance to post it here. It's a beautifully written story about trying to find a street dog named Ahu, in Pakistan.. LINK

(The Late Edition) Pepper

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